Planning your event in Beverley
Beverley is a small rural community located 135 kilometres from Perth. It is the perfect location for events of all sizes, from large festivals, weddings and street parties, to intimate conferences and family gatherings.
There is a raft of accommodation and dining options available, along with a number of larger function rooms and facilities. Some local businesses and community groups offer a variety of catering options from simple morning teas to elaborate multiple course meals.
The Events Planning Package has been designed to assist you in organising your event in Beverley. Included is an Event Planning Checklist, Event Budget Template and Sample Risk Management Plan - these documents are not mandatory but have been provided for your guidance. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the friendly staff at the Shire of Beverley.
There is a raft of accommodation and dining options available, along with a number of larger function rooms and facilities. Some local businesses and community groups offer a variety of catering options from simple morning teas to elaborate multiple course meals.
The Events Planning Package has been designed to assist you in organising your event in Beverley. Included is an Event Planning Checklist, Event Budget Template and Sample Risk Management Plan - these documents are not mandatory but have been provided for your guidance. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the friendly staff at the Shire of Beverley.